About me

Welcome to my blog!
At the beginning I would like to say to you :
I'm sorry!
I am sorry that you had to google my blog and come here and read it. Your life will never be the same! :D

I'm 25 years old, mum of two, adorable, but very busy children! I have three cats, a dog a fish and two guinea pigs. I love to crochet, read books and watch silly horror movies. I consider myself as a very positive and funny person, sometimes very argumentative and to honest for some.
I love to spend time with my family. Although I have my own hobby's as well. Long story, short : My life doesn't ends on my kids.
That's why I've decided to study towards my Psychology degree!
Now, signing yourself up with some university is easy. The hard part starts when, English is your second language, you have conditions called : Ankylosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia ( is as hard to live with them as it is to pronounce them ;) ) Depression with Anxiety and Restless Legs Syndrome, and they are very painful. You have so many things to do in a day, that you wish that day would last 72h not only 24!
One of my favourites saying is : You think this is crazy? I will show you crazy! - which pretty much describes my whole life ;) Enjoy!

Monday 14 July 2014

How to find your OUSA Wales forum?

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